I’m busy everyday with my brushes 😀but I love to meet people and chat also☕️ I’m in my studio most time everyday afternoon, my studio is in Marin Society of Artists, 1515 3rd street San Rafael, if you in this area, call me or text me before you are come to visiting me, because the gallery maybe closed, but I’m inside the gallery studio. appropriate you visited my website ☕️

Meili Zhao

I was born in China, had private teacher professor teaching me draw and paint at my gunger age. I did practice paiting doing my teenager time, then i went medical school, study medicine, after I graduated, I become a Doctor, worked in Chine Beijing hospital, in 1991, I have benn invited to  Istanbul as Doctor, worked in three clinic at three cities, till 1999, I move to Mill Valley. I did worked around the Bay Area as Acpunctur Doctor for some years, then I had my children, i choices  put my kids first. i was busy with my children for some years.and I start painting again. I lover water colors brush paiting.and Chineses Brush paint, charcoal, also oil paint. it is my favorite things to do now.